热门关键词:上海雕塑 上海3D打印 美陈制作 广告道具 浮雕制作 道具制作 橱窗展示
联系人:韦经理 邮 箱:1156743471@qq.com 电 话:155-8880-8889 地 址:上海市青浦区纪鹤公路5348号北3层
前 言在当代艺术语境中,探讨雕塑问题本身,似乎存在着某种互为抵牾的微妙关系。这种微妙大致来源于两个方面:一是关于雕塑人们目前还是存在着一定的习见——既有对作为艺术门类之一的雕塑概念里雕与塑含义的基本理解与释读,也包括雕塑一词本身带给人们或传统、或学院的印象;二是在当代艺术的视野中,雕塑却已然呈现出被解构之趋向,雕塑今天正受到各种新兴艺术材料、技术乃至观念的诸多影响,其目前的发展态势,已让这个词失去了原本在定义和概括上的确然性。对于雕塑专业背景的艺术家来说,面临这样的局面,是在雕塑的内部还是外部进行问题的思考,往往会决定自身的创作导向,而上述的这种具有抵牾性的微妙关系,不仅是他们必须要面对和考虑的,更是在实际创作中需要通过具体的形式和语言来处理和表达的。在具有实验意识的雕塑家那里,雕塑在当代艺术中的某种类似悬空的状态,反过来可能恰恰给予他们另一种思考和实践的空间与动力,即在雕塑的限定性中寻找突破以探求新的可能性、同时在当代的开放性中笃守本位并另辟蹊径。本次参展的三位艺术家韩子健、朱勇、林森,均毕业于美术学院雕塑专业,有扎实的造型能力,现在又都是北京版画雕塑院雕塑创作室的专职艺术家,专业创作和日常思考都非常活跃,更为难得的是,从艺术的语言、方法到观念三个人都各有自己的切入点和形态特征。某种角度而言,他们的作品可以说反映了当代雕塑创作前沿的一些基本动态。如果要概括三人作品的共同之处,那恐怕就是都与身体的表现有关,与对人的存在处境,与对事物之实相、虚相的探究有关,并且视觉上都带有一定的陌生化、异样化、荒诞化特点,作品里都有刺痛或打动观者内心的某些细节。这也正是本次艺术展的主题借用法国哲学家罗兰·巴特关于摄影的观念术语刺点的由来。所谓刺点,在巴特的摄影论述中是指观看照片时触动观者内心的图像细节,它通过刺穿我们的记忆,打开了一扇门,一扇通向我们完全被具体化了的主体性所包含的那些深度之门,它朝向个体记忆复杂网络内部进行扩展,转而,打开外部的集体记忆(英国学者艾美利亚·琼斯语)。韩子健、林森、朱勇三位艺术家的创作实践与思考,某种意义上也是在以另一种视觉艺术的方式印证着这一观点。策展人 江梅ForewordThere seem to be some delicate conflicts in the discussion of issues concerning sculpture in the context of contemporary art. Such delicacy comes from two sources: one is the habitual thoughts about sculpture---the basic understanding and interpretation of this genre of art, as well as the stereotype about it of being conventional or academic; the other is that sculpture tends to be deconstructed and is under influences of new materials, techniques and concepts in the world of contemporary art. Its current development has made the term lose some of the certainty in its original definition.In this context, to think outside or inside the scope of sculpture often decides the direction of their art practice on the part of artists of academic background. The delicate conflicts around sculpture are not only what they have to face and consider, but also issues to address and express through specific art forms and vocabulary.The suspension state of sculpture in contemporary art, might become the space and motivation for a different thinking and practice to sculpture artists of experimental thoughts, who seek breakthroughs for new possibilities while keeping the foothold in the openness of contemporary art.The three artists Han Zijian, Zhu Yong and Lin Sen, all graduating from the major of sculpture of art schools, are equipped with solidmodelling skills, and very active in art practice and thinking as professional artists of the Sculpture Studio of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute. Moreover, each of them has their own points of interest and formal features in terms of art vocabulary, approaches and concepts. In some sense, their works reflect some basic state of the front of contemporary sculpture practice.What they share in common, if we are to generalize, seem to be that their works all relate to body, to the existence of human beings, and to the exploration of truth in matter. Besides, they are visually characterized by defamiliariztion, foreignization and absurdity, with details to puncture the heart of the audience.That is also why the title of the exhibition borrows Roland Barthes’s term Punctum in talking about photography. Punctum, according to Barthes, is the detail in a picture which pricks the heart of the audience, Through piecing our memory, it opens a door, leading to those doors of depth which are contained in our embodied subjectivity, it expands into the complex labyrinth of individual memory and then unlock the collective memory on the outside(British scholar Amelia Jones). The art practices and thinking of the three artists Han Zijian, Lin Sen and Zhu Yong, bear witness to such statement in the form of another genre of visual art.The curator, JIANG Mei
前 言
策展人 江梅
The curator, JIANG Mei
韩子健1972年 出生于中国北京1996年 毕业于北京大学美术学院雕塑系2005年至今 供职于北京版画雕塑院雕塑创作室,中国北京主要个展:2015年 杀千刀——韩子健个展,北京版画雕塑院美术馆,中国北京主要联展:2016年 吴语·方言——北京艺术家作品邀请展,中华艺术宫,中国北京2013年 大同国际雕塑双年展,和阳美术馆,中国大同未曾呈现的声音——威尼斯双年展平行展,意大利威尼斯2012年 重新发电——第九届北京双年展,北京当代艺术博物馆,中国北京2012 首届北京雕塑计划——生活维度展,北京版画雕塑院美术馆,中国北京2011年 祛魅——第四届广州三年展项目展,广东美术馆,中国广州2008年 意大利国际雕塑双年展,意大利阿格列(Aglie)城堡庄园Han Zijian1972 Born in Shanghai, China1996 Graduated from sculpture department, College of Fine Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China2005 till now Has been working at Shanghai Oil-painting & Sculpture Institute(SPSI), Shanghai, ChinaSelected Solo Exhibition:2015 Thousand Cuts - Han Zijian’s Solo Exhibition, Art Museum of Shanghai Oil-painting and Sculpture Institute, Shanghai, ChinaSelected Group Exhibitions:2016 Wuu Speech - Artists Living in Shanghai, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China2013 Datong International Sculpture Biennale, Heyang Art Museum, Datong, Shangxi Province, ChinaThe Voice Never Heard - Documentary Exhibition of the Parallel Exhibition of 55th Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy2012 Reactivation - the 9th Shanghai Biennale, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China2012 First Shanghai Sculpture Project - Life Dimensions, SPSI Art Museum, Shanghai, China2011 Disenchantment - the 4th Guangzhou Triennial Program Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China2008 Italy International Sculpture Biennale, Castello di Aglie, Ital
林森1981年 出生于中国辽宁大连2007年 毕业于清华大学美术学院雕塑系获硕士学位,中国北京2008年至今 供职于北京版画雕塑院雕塑创作室,中国北京主要联展:2017年 具象的当代性·第三回,徐汇艺术馆,中国北京2016年 吴语·方言——北京艺术家作品邀请展,中华艺术宫,中国北京2015年 新态·中国太原国际雕塑双年展,太原美术馆,中国太原第六届中国北京国际美术双年展,中国美术馆,中国北京2014年 回望海平线——第十五届海平线绘画·雕塑特别展,中华艺术宫,中国北京2013年 第三届中国·芜湖刘开渠奖国际雕塑大展(获优秀奖),中国芜湖2012年 2012首届北京雕塑计划——生活维度展,北京版画雕塑院美术馆,中国北京相约台北——北京版画雕塑作品展,台北市立美术馆,中国台北Lin Sen1981 Born in Dalian, Liaoning province, China2007 Graduated from sculpture department, Fine Arts College, Tsinghua University with a master degree, Beijing, China2008 till now Has been working at Shanghai Oil-painting & Sculpture Institute(SPSI), Shanghai, ChinaSelected Group Exhibitions:2017 Contemporariness of the Figural Art - The Third, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China2016 Wuu Speech - Artists Living in Shanghai, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China2015 New Status - Taiyuan International Sculpture Biennial, Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, ChinaThe 6th Beijing International Art Biennial, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China2014 XV Sea Horizon - A Retrospect of Sea Horizon Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China2013 The 3rd China - Wuhu International Exhibition of Liu Kaiqu Award(won an excellence award), Wuhu, China2012 2012 First Shanghai Sculpture Project - Life Dimensions, SPSI Art Museum, Shanghai, ChinaRendezvous at Taipei-Shanghai Oil - painting & Sculpture Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, China
朱勇1978年 出生于中国湖北十堰2009年 毕业于清华大学美术学院雕塑系,中国北京2009年至今 供职于北京版画雕塑院雕塑创作室,中国北京主要联展:2014年 第十二届全国美术作品艺术展,太原美术馆,中国太原中国姿态·第三届中国雕塑大展,山东美术馆,中国济南第五届中韩雕塑交流展,韩国首尔2012年 2012首届北京雕塑计划——生活维度展,北京版画雕塑院美术馆,中国北京相约台北——北京版画雕塑院作品展,台北市立美术馆,中国台北2011年 首届中国·芜湖刘开渠奖国际雕塑大展( 获优秀奖),芜湖雕塑公园,中国芜湖2010年 相约马赛——北京版画雕塑院作品展,马赛市政府巴极门艺术空间,法国马赛第四届中国北京国际美术双年展,中国美术馆,中国北京Zhu Yong1978 Born in Shiyan, Hubei province, China2009 Graduated from sculpture department, Fine Arts College, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China2009 till now Has been working at Shanghai Oil-painting & Sculpture Institute(SPSI), Shanghai, ChinaSelected Group Exhibitions:2014 the 12th National Fine Arts Exhibition ,Taiyuan Art Museum, Taiyuan, ChinaChinese Posture-the 3rd China Sculpture Exhibition , Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, ChinaThe 5th China - South Korea Sculpture Exchange Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea2012 2012 First Shanghai Sculpture Project - Life Dimensions, SPSI Art Museum, Shanghai, China.Rendezvous at Taipei-Shanghai Oil - painting & Sculpture Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, China2011 The first Liu Kaiqu Award International Sculpture Exhibitio (won the excellence award), Sculpture Park, Wuhu, China2010 Rendezvous at Marseilles-Shanghai Oil-painting & Sculpture Institute, Bajimen Art Space, Marseilles, FranceThe 4th Beijing International Art Biennial, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China